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Bankers Assurance, Lebanon
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Lebanese insurance company with international bonding, part of Nasco Insurance Group. Locations and contacts:
Beirut Downtown: (+961) 1-962700
Hotline: (+961) 1-420300
Jisr El Wati, Sin El Fil: (+961) 1-420300
Chtaura: (+961) 8-545450
Ghobeiry: (+961) 1-270271
Saida: (+961) 7-752756
Tripoli: (+961) 6-442509
Zouk Mikael: (+961) 9-219990
Bikfaya: (+961) 4-983113
Byblos (Jbeil): (+961) 9-540828
Hasbaya: (+961) 7-551357
Msharrafieh, Chiyah: (+961) 1-552452
Nabatieh: (+961) 7-760527
Tyre (Sour): (+961) 7-345927

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Last Updated On: 7/2/2024Visits since Aug 2005: 2600

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