Lebanon Sites (31 - 45 of 50) |
Al-Mada for Media, Culture and Arts, Lebanon  Publishing house based in Beirut, Lebanon. Publishes a variety of books in different fields for a variety of authors. daralmada.com
Academia International, Lebanon  Publishing house based in Beirut, Lebanon. Specialized in publishing scientific and academic books, encyclopedias and dictionaries. academiainternational.com
Infopro Management Lebanon  Business group comprises of an international English-language publishing house, market and business research firm, and an economic research center. infopro.com.lb
World Book Publishing  Providing print information services since 1926: World Book Publishing house, Librairie de L'ecole for educational textbooks, Editions Africaines for religion and legacy of Arab civilization books, and Dar Al-Kitab Al-Alami for children books. wbpbooks.com
Sader Legal Publishers  Publishing firm based in Beirut, providing legal information and references for the Arab world. saderlegal.com
Saqi Books  UK publishers of Middle Eastern and Arabic books. saqibooks.com
Lebanon TV Moments - Asaad Allaho Massakoum  A book by TV host and producer Zaven Kouyoumdjian showcases the greatest 100 moments and milestones of Lebanese golden age television. The book covers entertainment and history making events as they happened on Lebanese television between 1959 and 1990. lebanontvmoments.com
Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, Lebanon  Publishing house founded by Hassan Irani in 1960, based in Beirut, Lebanon. Published hundreds of books in various fileds including academic, historic, islamic, literature, poetry and cultural books. kitabalarabi.com
Hassib Dergham and Sons - Dergham Printing & Publishing, Lebanon  Publishing house and reseller of high-tech printing equipment, such as CTP machines. Company based in Furn-el-Chebbak, Lebanon. dergham.com
Syndicate of Publishers Union, Lebanon  Aims to protect and promote the publishers and the publishing industry in Lebanon, organize local and international book fairs..., promote ...Al-Nashiroun (The Publishers) magazine, help in maintaining the Union of Arab Publishers and more. publishersunionlb.com
aAStudio - Architecture Association Studio, Lebanon  Publishing studio in Lebanon, specialized in the distribution of international architectural and interior design magazines and books in Lebanon and the Middle East in multilingual languages, including English, Spanish and German. aastudio.me
Dar Al-Farabi, Lebanon  A publishing and printing house based in Beirut, Lebanon. Specialized in publishing and printing books, magazines and periodicals in various aspects of science and thought, culture and literature, business, kids and other topics in Arabic language. dar-alfarabi.com
AWI Company  Publishing company with main offices in Beirut and Dubai. Owns a portfolio of publications throughout the Middle East, including Al-Balad Newspaper, Al-Waseet International, Layalina, Fortune Arabia, Marie Claire Arabia, Top Gear, GALA Magazine. awicompany.com
Kalimah Press  A publishing house founded in New York City in 2010 for the purpose of publishing literature in English about the Middle East. Publishes both fiction and non-fiction books. Also, offers a translation service for writers in Arabic, Persian and Turkish. kalimahpress.com
Snob Publishing Group, Lebanon  Publishing company in Lebanon launching different magazines including Snob, Snob Al-Hasna, Business Pioneer and more. snobgroup.com