Lebanon Topics (1 - 7 of 7) |
Lebanon Sites (1 - 15 of 24) |
IndyMedia.org - Beirut Network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, and non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of social and political issues in Lebanon. beirut.indymedia.org
BBC Timelines - Lebanon A chronology of major political and historical events in Lebanon. news.bbc.co.uk
Samir Kuntar Website dedicated to Samir Kuntar, the longest held Lebanese Detainee in the Israeli prisons. samirkuntar.org
Imam Moussa Al Sadr Center News and articles related to Imam Moussa Al Sadr, provided by Imam Moussa Al Sadr Center for Research and studies. imamsadr.net
Lebanese Transparency Association - No Corruption Lebanese non-governmental organization specialized in promoting transparency and fighting corruption. transparency-lebanon.org
Democrats Abroad Lebanon (DAL) Giving the opportunity for the American citizen in Lebanon to vote for the US politics. democratsabroad.org
Hartakat Blog Articles, news, opinions, photos, videos about Lebanese politics, human rights and society. hartakat.wordpress.com
Cedars Revolution Website Lebanon Covers the latest news, statistics, reports, profiles and information about the Cedars Revolution in Lebanon. cedarsrevolution.org
Manaber Beirut Political website discusses manipulation of media and personalities working in this direction. manaber-beirut.org
Cedar Revolution - Wikipedia Information about the Cedar Revolution, a chain of demonstrations and popular civic action in Lebanon triggered by the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005. en.wikipedia.org
Youth Forum for National Youth Policies, Lebanon A forum formed of youth NGOs and youth wings in political parties in Lebanon. Aims to gather youth from various colors of the political spectrum in Lebanon, raise awareness over existing laws and policies, and create an incentive to raise youth issues. youthforum-lb.org
Malaf - Lebanese Corruption Monitor A civil campaign aiming to expose corruption in public administrations and public transactions in Lebanon, and to resort to the competent authorities to hold accountable the perpetrators, in collaboration with civil society groups, media and activists. malaf.org
Samir Kuntar - Wikipedia Information about Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese Druze who belonged to the Palestine Liberation Front(PLF) and a detainee in the Isreali prisons. en.wikipedia.org
Taif Agreement - Wikipedia Information about Taif Agreement, an agreement reached to provide the basis for the ending of the civil war and the return to political normalcy in Lebanon, signed in Saudi Arabia on October 22, 1989 and ratified on November 4, 1989. en.wikipedia.org
Carnegie Middle East Center, Lebanon Research center aims to inform the process of political change and to understand the economic and security issues in Lebanon and the Middle East region. carnegie-mec.org