Lebanon Sites (61 - 75 of 93) |
Elie Kanaan Website Information about the Lebanese painter Elie Kanaan. Profile, catalogue, contact details and more. eliekanaan.com
Andre Kalfayan Website Information about the Lebanese painter Andre Kalfayan. Profile, Gallery, expositions and contact details. andrekalfayan.com
Chawky Frenn Website of the Lebanese painter Chawky Frenn. Biography, works, contact details and more. chawkyfrenn.com
Youssef Howayek - Wikipedia Information about Youssef Saadallah Howayek, a Lebanese painter and sculptor who painted the Our Lady of Seven Sorrows and sculptured the first Martyrs Monument. en.wikipedia.org
Charlotte Yazbek - Wikipedia Information about Charlotte Mata Rascala, a Lebanese Mexican painter. en.wikipedia.org
Zaher El-Bizri Website Site contains the art works of the Lebanese painter and design artist Zaher El-Bizri, in watercolor, painting, drawing, mural, photography, design and more. zaherbizri.com
Antoine Faddoul - The Pheonix Shall Rise Painting by Antoine Faddoul, representing the rebirth of Lebanon through the Phoenix rising from destroyed Beirut. tonysky.net
Art Light - George Matta Painting Gallery Website of Lebanese painter George M. Matta. Painting images with description and personal life portfolio. artlight.synthasite.com
Sarah Dakouny Website Offers information about the Lebanese painter Sarah Dakouny. Biography, acrylic paintings, charcoal paintings and more. sarahdakouny.com
Atelier Charbel Chamoun, Lebanon Website of Charbel Chamoun, a Lebanese fine artist, painter, sculpturer and designer. Has participated in several local and international exhibitions and festivals. Also, designs and builds wedding cars, such as the White Queen concept wedding car. charbelchamoun.com
Sally Khoury Paintings Lebanon Official website of the Lebanese painter Sally Khoury. Biography, artwork, exhibitions, photos and more. sallykpaintings.com
Nabil Kanso - Wikipedia Information about Nabil Kanso, a Lebanese American painter. en.wikipedia.org
Farid El-Rayes Website Website of the painter Farid El-Rayes. Information, biography, gallery, articles and more. faridelrayes.com
Leila Kubba Kawash Website Official website of Leila Kubba Kawash, a painter and owner of Orjowan Art Gallery in Beirut, Lebanon. Participated in several international exhibitions, including solo exhibitions. Her works are in private and public collections internationally. leilakubba.com
Project E2 - Dimitri Dimitriades Oasis Online art gallery of Dimitri Dimitriades, a Lebanese painter living in Berlin, Germany. projet-e2.com