Lebanon Topics (1 - 1 of 1) |
Lebanon Sites (1 - 14 of 14) |
Lebanese Taekwondo Federation  Official website of the Lebanese Taekwondo Federation. lebanesetaekwondo.org
International Judo Federation - Lebanon  Contact details and other information about the Lebanese Judo Federation. ijf.org
Chidiac Aikido Academy  Martial arts academy teaching Takemusu Aikido techniques. aikidolebanon.com
Lebanese Wushu Kung Fu Federation  Website of the Lebanese Wushu Kung Fu Federation, the only governing body for Wu Shu Kung-Fu in Lebanon. wkfleb.com
Capoeira Sobre Viventes  Cultural center in Lebanon, for training the Brazilian art form Capoeira. Teaches capoeiristas new cultures, singing and rehearsing Capoeira songs, physical and mental skills to increase self-confidence and self-determination. facebook.com
Kiyuu Kyokushin Karate Organization, Lebanon  Freestyle fighting system founded by Master Petro Panayoti in Lebanon. Provides fast and effective style for self defense and bodyguards training methods. facebook.com
Lebanese Aikido Society (LAS)  A community that initially originated in 2007 from a gathering of Lebanese aikido enthusiasts and professionals. Founded by senseis Fady Atik, Victor Farah and other Aikido professionals. Aims to promote Aikido Japanese martial art techniques in Lebanon. facebook.com
Kim Studio Lebanon  Martial art school dedicated to teach men, women and children karate and kickboxing in Lebanon. kimstudiokarate.com
Harake Karate Website  Website dedicated to Shin Kyokushin Karate martial arts in Lebanon. Special training techniques provided by Mohamad Harake. harake-karate.co.nr
Jose Sulaiman - Wikipedia  Information about Jose Sulaiman, a Mexican boxing official of Lebanese descent. He is the president and godfather of the World Boxing Council. en.wikipedia.org
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Academy, Lebanon  Provides personal protection, self defense and mixed martial arts training for individuals in Lebanon, including Combat Taekwondo, Commando Camps, Jujitsu and more. mmaacademylebanon.com
Taekwondo Fighters Team  Website of Taekwondo champion and trainer Noel Moukheiber. Provides Taekwondo courses in fitness clubs, training camps and personal trainings. taekwondofightersteam.tumblr.com
Praetorians Muay Thai and MMA School, Lebanon  A martial arts training school founded by Kru Jad Sakr, based in Gemmayze area of Beirut, Lebanon. Provides education and training classes in Muay Thai and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), as well as other health and fitness classes. pmtmma.com
ISKF Lebanon  Official website of the International Shotokan Karate Federation in Lebanon. Teaches Karate Aikido and Iaido classes. iskflebanon.com