Lebanon Sites (46 - 55 of 55) |
Mar Elias - Wikipedia  Information about Mar Elias, a Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon. en.wikipedia.org
Human Rights Watch - Lebanon  Covers human rights development and monitoring in Lebanon and the role of the international community in providing humanitarian aid. hrw.org
Community Based Rehabilitation Program, Lebanon  A program created in order to help disabled persons in the Palestinian refugee community in Northern Lebanon. vintob.com
Sakkera - Sakker El Dekkene  A non-governmental organization (NGO) that aims to collect data about the various forms of corruption spread across public administration in Lebanon. Encourages engagement of citizens by providing online tools to report corruption. sakkera.com
Empower Advocacy  An independent organization working on improving the skills of cause advocates around the world. Strives to build the capacity of activists and citizens lobbying for change, by offering training and tools needed for them to launch influential campaigns. empoweradvocacy.org
Foundation for Development and Human Rights  A nonprofit Lebanese civil society organization, founded by jurists and civil society activists. Aims to protect and promote human rights in Lebanon. Also, works to empower marginalized individuals, strengthen democracy, and encourage good governance. justiciadh.org
Academic University for Non-Violence & Human Rights  An independent higher education institution in Lebanon, founded by Walid Slaybi and Ogarit Younan. Offering diplomas in innovative majors for social change through non-violence education, in an effort to enhance the culture of rights, freedom and justice. aunohr.edu.lb
Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE)  Non-governmental organization based in Beirut. Aims to to encourage and support sexuality, gender and bodily rights movements in the MENA region through capacity building, knowledge production, exchange and security and emergency response. afemena.org
United Hands for Lebanon  An independent initiative by Beirut Celebrations that calls for all Lebanese to become a part of a virtual human chain across borders to break the boundaries and show the world that Lebanese can unite, beyond religion, beyond politics and beyond the odds. unitedhands.me
Special Tribunal for Lebanon Monitor  Blog by the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) aims at granting the public opinion access to all information related to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, relating to the assassination of Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005. cldh-tribunal-liban.blogspot.com