Lebanon Sites (16 - 30 of 56) |
Cortbawi Institution: Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Institute A renowned charity of the Saint-Coeurs Congregation featuring an 85-bed hospital in modern facilities and a panoramic view in Adma in association with Hospital hotel-Dieu de France, Beirut. inst-cortbawi.edu.lb
Dar Al-Ajaza Al-Islamia Hospital, Lebanon Beirut-both a neuro-psychiatric hospital and a home for invalids, the disabled and elderly patients. dar-ajaza-islamia.org.lb
Ain Wa Zein Hospital, Lebanon Health establishment of the Druze community. Private, non-profit organization, founded in 1978. Features profile, location, departments and centers, services and admission instructions. awh.org.lb
Koura Hospital, Lebanon Hospital with a group of international medical doctors. Location. List of doctors and divisions. Conventions with most insurance companies. hopital-alkoura.com.lb
Hotel Dieu de France Hospital, Lebanon University hospital center founded by Saint Joseph University (USJ), located in Beirut, Lebanon. hdf.usj.edu.lb
Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui Official Website of the Lebanese Hospital in Geitaoui, Beirut. History, information, medical departments, nursing school and more. hopital-libanais.com
Abou Jaoude Hospital, Lebanon A general hospital located in Jal el Dib, Mount Lebanon. syndicateofhospitals.org.lb
Hopital Nini Website of Nini Hospital in Tripoli, Lebanon. Established in 1928 bu Dr Wahib Nini. hopitalnini.com
Clinique du Levant, Lebanon Website of the Levant Clinic in Lebanon. Foundation, services, patients, pictures and more. cliniquedulevantsm.com
Advanced Eye Care Hospital, Lebanon An advanced eye care hospital founded by Dr Elias Warrak, located in mmm, Lebanon. Provides a range of general health services, and specialized in eye care service. Departments include eye care, medical care, dermaplastic care and Visique optical shop. eyecare-lb.com
Dr Monzer Al Hajj Hospital, Lebanon A general hospital located in Al Jieh in Chouf region. Named after the late Dr Monzer El Hajj. Consists of several departments that provide a range of medical, healthcare and surgery services in major fields and specializations. aljiehhospital.com
Clemenceau Medical Center, Lebanon Medical center providing healthcare services to patients from Lebanon and the Middle East. cmc.com.lb
Beirut Cardiac Institute (BCI), Lebanon Specialized hospital for cardiac treatments. Part of Al Rasoul Al Aazam Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon. bci.org.lb
Tel-Chiha Hospital, Lebanon Hospital in Tel Chiha, Lebanon. Information, history and contact details. telchiha.com
Middle East Institute of Health (MEIH), Lebanon General hospital, located in Bsalim, Mount Lebanon. Provides a variety of health and medical care services, through specialized physicians and dedicated staff. meih.org