Lebanon Topics (1 - 5 of 5) |
Lebanon Sites (1 - 15 of 32) |
Lebanon History Books  Find books about Lebanon history from Amazon. amazon.com
Old Lebanon  Features a large collection of old photos and videos from Lebanon. oldlebanon.com
National Geographic - The Genographic Project  Genetic study of the human journey to show the human migration throughout history, population genetics and maps through DNA testings. genographic.nationalgeographic.com
BBC Timelines - Lebanon  A chronology of major political and historical events in Lebanon. news.bbc.co.uk
Kadmous.org - The Lebanese Heritage  Lebanese nation's heritage: Pictures and paintings, articles and researches. kadmous.org
Mousa Ler: The Anjarians and Musa Daghians  Home of the Musa Daghian community in Anjar, Lebanon. Information and resources about the history of Armenians. mousaler.com
Ancient Carthage  Excerpts from ancient texts and artistic depictions of the mythical founding of the city, provided by Carthage College. carthage.edu
Phoenicia - Wikipedia  Information about Phoenicia, an ancient civilization centered in the north of ancient Canaan. en.wikipedia.org
LGCI - History of Lebanon  Brief history information of Lebanon from 50,000 BC to 2003 AD, provided by Lebanese Global Information Center. lgic.org
Ancient History Sourcebook: Polybius: The Character of Hannibal  From the 1889 translation of Polybius' work by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, provided online by the Ancient History Sourcebook. fordham.edu
A Bequest Unearthed, Phoenicia  Extensive guide to the origin, history, geography, culture, industry, crafts, trade, language and wars of the Canaanite Phoenicians. phoenicia.org
Wars of Lebanon  Historic information and research regarding wars in Lebanon during 1968-2000 period. warsoflebanon.com
Lebanese Society for History of Science  Lebanese association specialized in the study and research on Arabic scientific tradition, and the organization of national and international seminars and conferences. histoire-des-sciences.com
LGIC - Phoenicians  Brief history and background about the Phoenicians, the ancient people of Lebanon. lgic.org
Archaeology and History in Lebanon  An assembly of like-minded volunteers interested in protecting and promoting the rich cultural heritage of Lebanon. ahlebanon.com