Lebanon Sites (31 - 45 of 120) |
OTCE Liban  Lebanese consultancy office, branch of a French design office, working in the field of design and supervision. otceliban.com
Touma Engineering, Lebanon  Specialized company covering the areas of geotechnical, pavement, structural engineering, topographic, cadastral and oceanographic surveying. touma-engineering.com
IdepConsult - Mounir Saroufim and Partners, Lebanon  Group of architechts, engineers, and designers based in Beirut, Lebanon. idepconsult.com
PAG for Engineering, Lebanon  Consultancy company dealing with all construction fields, including architectural, civil and electro-mechanical projects. pag-eng.com
Waterex Systems, Lebanon  Part of Liberex Group, selling water generating machines that transforms air into pure drinking water. librexgroup.com
Khater Engineering and Trading, Lebanon  Electromechanical engineering, contracting and trading company in Lebanon offering services including Heating, air conditioning, plumbing, fire fighting and more. khater-eng.com
Aqua Technologies, Lebanon  specialized in the design and assembling of high quality water treatment systems aquatechnologie.com
Edessa Group, Lebanon  Professional multi-disciplinary engineering firm providing specialized engineering and integrated environmental consulting services. edessagroup.com
Acquarius, Lebanon  Swimming pool and fountains, general water treatment, desalination, pumping stations, sewage water treatment and more. aquarius.com.lb
EBD Water Treatment Solutions, Lebanon  Engineering, design and manufacturing of water and wastewater treatment products. ebdwater.com
Rimawa, Lebanon  Water, wastewater, steam, fuel and other fluids systems, in addition to plumbing, water treatment and swimming pool equipment. rimawa.com
Tech Universal Group, Lebanon  Specialized in the process engineering of water industries, particularly in the field of water sewage and industrial effluent treatment plant. techuniversal.com
Adyton Art Engineering and Contracting, Lebanon  Engineering and contracting company in Lebanon, offering interior design, architecture and other related services. adytonart.com.lb
Water Resources and Development Company (WARD), Lebanon  Specializing in water wells drilling, pumping stations, reservoir construction, supply networks, roads and bridges, dams and infra structure construction. wardlebanon.com
Joseph Tehini and Sons, Lebanon  Power generation and mechanical engineering company in Lebanon. tehini.com