Lebanon Sites (16 - 30 of 74) |
Teachers Syndicate in Lebanon  Official website of the Teachers Syndicate in Lebanon. Syndicate role, participation conditions, laws, committees, training and more. teacherssyndicate.com
Education in Lebanon - Wikipedia  Information about universities, schools and education institutions in Lebanon. en.wikipedia.org
AUB Science and Mathematics Education Center  Involved in teaching of science and mathematics education courses, research and development, consultation and in-service training of science and mathematics teachers. aub.edu.lb
Assabil  Non-governmental association founded in 1997 to establish and promote public libraries in Lebanon that are free and open to all. assabil.com
Centre for Arab Unity Studies  Pan Arab research centre in Beirut. Publishes research, books, magazines (Al Mustaqbal Al-Arabi) and other material related to Arab unity, future and strategy. caus.org.lb
Inclusion Liban  Founded by education and therapeutic professionals in Lebanon. Aims to help Lebanese students with learning difficulties or learning disorders to accompany their success in school and university. sites.google.com
Lebanese National Library Foundation (LNLF)  A non-profit foundation assigned by the Ministry of Culture in Lebanon to promote the Lebanese National Library Rehabilitation Project. flbn-lb.org
Center for Strategic Studies, Research and Documentation  Center for Strategic Studies, Research and Documentation (CSSRD). cssrd.org.lb
Baakleen National Library  Public library in Baakleen offers a large number of references, books and encyclopedias in Arabic, English and French. Documentation and research section. baakleenlibrary.org
Lebanese National Library (LNL)  Aims to conserve the published national intellectual production, regardless of type and format, and to conserve books and documents. Also, aims to make available all of its collections to the interested public, and to students and researchers. bnl.gov.lb
Trust - Linguaphone Lebanon  Established in Lebanon since 1990, Trust is the exclusive representative of Linguaphone in Lebanon and Syria, a leading supplier of self-study language courses across the world. trust.com.lb
Fares Zoghbi Cultural Foundation Library  Private Francophone library at USJ University, offering books and resources covering law, political sciences, French literature, arts, history and more. fondationzoghbi.usj.edu.lb
Educom Overseas  Consulting network directs parents and students to schools and universities abroad, also assists those who wish to immigrate to Canada or Australia. educomoverseas.com
EduDMG Education Development and Management Group, Lebanon  Incorporation registered in San Francisco, California with offices in Beiut, Lebanon. Provides continuing education that bridges the gap between the applied academic environment and the professional practice related to students future careers. edudmg.com
Tutoring Services  Provides in-home tutoring consultation and academic assistance for French and English educated students. Offers tutors for primary, secondary and higher education in all school subjects. Also, preparation for official exams, as well as computing courses. facebook.com