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Lebanon Economic Development
Lebanon Topics (1 - 3 of 3)

Lebanon Sites (1 - 15 of 15)

Socio Economic Assembly for Lebanon (SEAL) Go
Official website of the Economic and Social Assembly for Lebanon, that provides scientific and applicable socio-economic solutions to the community, offering a healthy environment, fair treatment and continuous growth.

Index of Economic Freedom - Lebanon Go
Detailed information about trade policy in Lebanon, fiscal burden of government, government intervention in the economy, monetary policy, capital flows and more.

World Bank Lebanon Go
An international organization working in Lebanon, aims to help people help themselves and their environment by sharing knowledge and providing financial and technical assistance. Also, aims to develop the economy and reduce poverty in Lebanon.

IMF and Lebanon Go
Working papers and speeches about Lebanon and its activities with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Lebanese Economic Association (LEA) Go
Non-profit and non-partisan association aims to spread and enhance the economics culture and methodology in Lebanon, in additional to adding value to the public policy debate.

Lebanese National Energy (LNE) Go
A nonprofit organization providing a platform of communication between the public and the private sectors. Aims to boost the Lebanese economy by linking economic, business and academic leaders to enhance growth, prosperity and create jobs opportunities.

BLOM Shabeb Program, Lebanon Go
A program launched by BLOM Bank that helps the Lebanese young generation plan their education and facilitate their career choice.

Charaka Project, Lebanon Go
Development project funded by the European Union and the Lebanese government, aims to develop urban regions in Lebanon, through funding projects in various industrial and economic sectors.

Speed@BDD Lebanon Go
A Beirut-based startup accelerator that invests cash in top-tier companies in the MENA region. It accepts startups at the idea and early stage, aiming boost growth of young businesses, particularly in the software, digital, and web/mobile industries.

The Tripoli Project Go
Initiated by the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies and the Tufts Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Aims to mobilize academic resources to collaborate with local partners and work on integrated aspects of Tripoli city in North Lebanon.

The Makers Byblos Bank Account Go
A banking account from Byblos Bank designed for young adults between 18 and 24 years old. Provides a range of tools and benefits, including no fees, free Visa debit card, exclusive deals at selective merchants, Quickpay payment technology and more.

SISSAF Lebanon Go
Website of the Support Programme for Infrastructure Sector Strategies and Alternative Financing, a development project for Lebanon funded by the EU. Aims to improve the effectiveness of aid service delivery provided to the Lebanese infrastructure sectors.

Lebanon Knowledge and Development Gateway Go
A non-profit assoctiation that produces and disseminates knowledge related to gender equality and social development in Lebanon, with the aim of encouraging the use of ICT for social change, and democratizing knowledge and information access.

Socio-Economic and Environment Development Services International Go
A not for profit company, providing solutions for improving the socio-economic conditions of individuals. Supports the access to economic opportunities, provides professional expertise and incubation while respecting the environmental and social ethics.

Economy of Lebanon Go
Provides brief information about the Lebanese economy, including history, macro-economic trends, external trade, remittances, investments, economic development programs, reforms, salaries of Lebanon and more.

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