Lebanon Sites (31 - 45 of 88) |
Lebanese International Finance Executives (LIFE) Provides a platform to channel the influence of Lebanese finance executives worldwide in order to establish stronger bonds, nurture the next generation and promote Lebanon. lifelebanon.com
Federation of Syndicates of Employees of Lebanese Banks Official website of the Federation of the Syndicates of Employees working in the Lebanese Banks. Information about the federation, its organization and internal systems, member syndicates, banking laws, activities, news and more. facebook.com
AIA Lebanon Official website of the Association of Autos Importers in Lebanon aialiban.org
Maharat Foundation - Lebanon Organization for supporting journalism skills in Lebanon and the Arab world. maharatfoundation.org
Beirut Creative Cluster (BCC), Lebanon A not-for-profit, sectorial business association in Lebanon, consists of firms that create and distribute digital content, media products and services, design and marketing solutions. beirutcreativecluster.org
Syndicate of Marble, Granite & Cement Industrialists, Lebanon Official website of the Syndicate of Marble, Granite and Cement (SMAGC) product industrialists in Lebanon. Syndicate news, members, events and more. facebook.com
ISACA Lebanon Chapter Lebanon chapter of the International Information Systems Audit and Control Association. Membership, bylaws, certification, news, events and more. isaca.org
Akkar Development Association (ADA) A development association established in 2006. Aims to develop the Akkar District in North Lebanon, through initiating a range of economical, social and cultural projects targeting the youth, benefiting and protecting the natural resources of the region. facebook.com
Lebanese International Businessmen Associations Network An independent, non-profit organisation, embraces businessmen and entrepreneurs active in the different economic sectors in Lebanon and abroad. libanorg.org
Lebanese Trade Union Training Center (LTUTC) Aims to contribute to the reinforcement of the trade union movement itself, to raising the participation of women, young workers and civil society organizations in the syndicalist movements in Lebanon. ltutc.com
Lebanese Association for Food Safety (LAFS) Aims to educate, inform and empower Lebanese consumers about food safety issues, protect them against the dangers of unsafe food, and raise safety standards of the food industry and the food supply chain in Lebanon to internationally acceptable levels. facebook.com
Sydicate of Biologists in Lebanon Website of the Syndicate of Biologists in Lebanon. Profile, members, activities and more. sdblb.org
American Lebanese Chamber of Commerce Official non-profit organization aiming at developing business and trade relations between Lebanon and the United States. amcham.org.lb
Association of Petroleum Importing Companies (APIC), Lebanon Non-governmental association founded by major oil companies in Lebanon, that are active in the importation and distribution of petroleum products in the Lebanese Market. apic.org.lb
Association for Rural Development Aims to evelop human and natural resources in the rural areas of Lebanon. adr.org.lb