Lebanon Sites (16 - 30 of 35) |
Ounsi el-Hajj - Wikipedia Information about Ounsi el-Hajj, a Lebanese poet, journalist and writer. en.wikipedia.org
Suleyman al-Boustani - Wikipedia Information about Suleyman al-Boustani, a Lebanese statesman, teacher, poet and historian. en.wikipedia.org
Karen Boustany Website Official website of Karen Boustany, Lebanese oriental poet and writer. Author of several books and plays, including several story books for children. karenboustany.com
Etel Adnan - Wikipedia Information about Etel Adnan, a Lebanese American poet, essayist and visual artist. en.wikipedia.org
May Murr - Wikipedia Information about May Murr Lebanese historian, writer, poet, and political activist. en.wikipedia.org
Poet Salah Stetieh A Lebanese writer, poet and a diplomat who served in various diplomatic positions for Lebanon in the Netherlands, France, Morocco and other countries. He published several books and articles in French and English languages. en.wikipedia.org
Darine Hamze Website Official website of Darine Hamze, a Lebanese actress, poet and director. darinehamze.com
Mirna Arabi - Thoughts Within Words Blog by Mirna Arabi, with personal thoughts, writings and poems. mirnarabi.synthasite.com
Elmaz Abi Nader Website Website of the Lebanese Amercian poet, author, performance artist Elmaz Abi Nader. elmazabinader.com
Zajal - Wikipedia Information from Wikipedia about the Lebanese poetry Zajal, a traditional form of oral strophic poetry declaimed in a colloquial dialect. en.wikipedia.org
Poet Khalil Mutran An Arabic poet and journalist, known as the Poet of the two Countries (Sha'ir al-Qutrayn), born in Baalbek, Lebanon. His works include hundreds of poems and writings including Diwan al-Khalil. He translated a number of plays and books into Arabic. en.wikipedia.org
D.H. Melhem Website Official website of poet D.H. Melhem, a Lebanese American poet and author of several books and poems. dhmelhem.com
Akl Awit - Wikipedia Information about Akl Awit, a Lebanese poet, critic, literary journalist, academic professor and editing director of the Mulhak, weekly cultural supplement of An Nahar newspaper. en.wikipedia.org
Elia Abu Madi - Wikipedia Information about Elia Abu Madi, a Lebanese American poet. en.wikipedia.org
Marie-Josee Rizkallah Website Official website of Lebanese poet, writer and painter Marie Josee Rizkallah. mariejoseerizkallah.com